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Why Camp?


You lead a group of campers every day. You supervise others. You gain leaderships skills while directing your group on a trip out of camp. Yep, you've got leadership skills!


Every day, you adapt to new situations and new challenges, and being flexible is key! Changes are common, and being able to creatively change and adapt effectively is part of any camp job.


You organize an evening activity, you organize games for an evening, you organize a camper's birthday party. That's organization!


You talk with your campers, you collaborate with your co-workers, you teach your classes, you supervise others. Whatever job you have at camp, you use communication skills!


Collaboration is part of every day you work at camp. You are always with others, working together toward a common goal, getting the job done!

Critical Thinking

Whether it's problem solving rainy day alternatives during your class, being part of the logistics of an all camp trip or organizing an outdoor banquet for 200 people, you'll learn problem solving skills that will last a lifetime.

Got What It Takes?

We are looking for camp counselors/activity instructors, nurses, kitchen staff, housekeepers, and maintenance staff who:​

​- Have a strong and sincere desire to work with teens from diverse backgrounds.

​- Embrace differences, maintain resilience and adaptability, enjoy flexible and constantly changing work. 

​- Exhibit values of fairness, tolerance, compassion, and patience.

- Are willing to minimize the use of technology for the duration of the camp session. (We promise it will be worthwhile!)

- Have a good sense of humor, playfulness, enjoyment of "the random", and willingness to be fun and responsible at the same time.

What Qualifications Do I Need?

General staff should have had at least one year of post-secondary education and have some skills that can be used in our camp activity program schedule.  They should also be available full time to live at camp from approximately mid June to mid August, with the exception of support or healthcare staff.


We do require previous references and/or prior work experience and be willing to learn leadership and other new skills. 

Since working with youth, complete background and reference checks are a part of the process.

It was a cold winter’s night in Australia’s Blue Mountains region of New South Wales and w

What Do I Get?

Apart from memories to last a lifetime, our salaries are very competitive with industry standards, with new camp counselors starting in the range of $2800-$3100 depending on experience and certifications.

On-site housing is provided on-site for all staff, as are all meals, laundry services, and internet access. 

Internships for college credit
may be available. 


Mandatory paid, staff training is 10 days in June. Staff are also provided a staff training handbook prior to their arrival date.

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Elevate Your Summer


Join MTC 
This Summer

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Camp was the most amazing place because i made my best friends.I could be myself and be around people i could relate to and love.

Camper Alumni

Camp was the the place where you aren’t afraid to be yourself and live in the moment while taking in the beauty of nature and the ones around you.

Staff Alumni

Camp was where I got to branch out and feel like i was truly able to be myself.It was so calm and accepting and i met my best friend there....

Camper Alumni

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